Support Calls
Segment 6: Micromanaging Jelly Beans & Reluctant 7-Year-OldSiblings keeping track of extra chores earned by othersMicromanaging other people is a boundary issueBoundaries are No Answers.Pre-teach about boundaries, then correct every time he crosses …
Segment 5: Success Story of Implementing TSG Without Hubby On BoardMy story (from the book) when I asked Spencer: What do you want?It can take longer without Hubby on boardProof is in the pudding- when your relationships are strong with your kids, he w …
Segment 4: Drama Queens Getting HurtBeing raised in the feminist era of tough was coolStrong is not indifference; strongischoosing to be okayDescribe with love to show that you understand. Empathize.Give an instruction. Praise when conquerDo I give ext …
Segment 3: “Love and Logic” VS Teaching Self-GovernmentHow can I tell people about TSG without offending them?Recognize the good part then observe the differencesGood part “Love and Logic” has had in the parenting conversationDifferences I have noticed …
Segment 2: Daughter In Detention13 year-old daughter not accepting consequences led to calling the policePower struggling and manipulationSuggestions of what to do in court and how to talk to the JudgeMake sure he spells out clearly future consequencesYou could try video taping yourself to see what is happening and analyze it
Segment 1: Welcome and Announcements Segment 2: Daughter In Detention Segment 3: “Love and Logic” VS Teaching Self-Government Segment 4: Drama Queens Getting Hurt Segment 5: Success Story of Implementing TSG Without Hubby On Board Segment 6: Micromanaging Jelly Beans & Reluctant 7-Year-Old Segment 7: Finding Sources
Segment 1: Welcome and Announcements Segment 2: Not Wanting to Listen to Disagree Appropriately Segment 3: How The System Works For Young Kids Segment 4 A: How The System Works For Older Kids – Emotional Manipulation Segment 4 B: How The System Works For Older Kids – 17-Year-Old Offended Segment 4 C: How The System Works For Older Kids – Out Of Instructional Control Segment 4 D: Older Kids – Running Away & Appropriate Consequences
Segment 1: Setting Boundaries With New Friends & Social Training Segment 2: The Inspiration Pathway to Learning Piano Segment 3: Sexual Addictions and A.D.D. Segment 4: Rule of 3 Segment 5: Small Success Story – Child Going to Class at Church Segment 6: Five-Year-Old With a Gas Can Segment 7: Definition Of Love Segment 8: Homeschool Helps Segment 9: Calm Down Spots For Toddlers Segment 10: The Burden of Emotional Weight Segment 11: Clingy Four-Year-Old With Social Fears
Happy Birthday Nicholeen & Questions to Implementation Course Members How to Talk to Kids About Sex 7-Year-Old Out of Instructional Control Avoiding the Urge to CONTROL Disagreeing Appropriately Every Single Time
We had an amazing call today and Nicholeen was on fire! Did you feel it? Announcements Gluten-Free Eating Four-Year-Old Screaming “I’m calm!” Five Social Lessons Class – Girl’s Camp Irreverence & Silliness Helping the Strong-Willed Child Appropriate Boundaries & Disagreeing Appropriately With Your Spouse No more TV at Our House Boundaries for Climbing Babies Unconditional Love Appropriate Ages to Talk to My Children About Sex and Pornography
On this call we had a guest speaker, Aneladee Milne. In the call Aneladee gets real with Nicholeen about How to fight the plague of addiction What to do if you even suspect your child is addicted What could happen if you don’t talk about it Story from Nicholeen of when she didn’t listen to that feeling The Creepy Guy Detector- learning how to read addictions in others Statistics: As of 2012 60% of 8 year old boys have been exposed to porn. Of those, 60% of those exposed become addicted. By age 11, 94% of boys have been exposed. The Myth that children don’t get addicted to porn and if they do get exposed they can easily overcome it. Signs of how to know when someone is addicted Acknowledging feelings & coming to terms that it happened Story from Nicholeen of what she did the first time she found out
Here is what we discussed in this call. Invitation to participate in a TSG Survey- Help us give you what you want Story on Family Tutorial DVD- Why is the footage so rough? How do I slow down? How do we recover after lots of Play Time with other families? Summer homeschool Recommended music for home refinement Stuck on Step 2, Couple’s Meetings What to do if my 13-yr-old daughter decides to leave, or if she is ever gone when I go to check on her at night What to do when younger children (ages 3 & 5) won’t stay in time-out How to introduce TSG to my 15-yr-old son
* On this call we had some technical difficulties with the computer, so there is a clip that may sound out of order because it was pasted in the place where it was on topic, which was different the live call- just so you know. Thanks for your patience and understanding. Nicholeen introduces Pennie Rumsey & Invites us to email Glenn Beck Awesome Success story of 20 month old boy doing Self-Government! If he can, anyone can! Play Time Rules Parents getting Consequences How to teach Disagreeing Appropriately for ages 3, 5, 8, 12? & How do I teach tolerance and not taking offense or getting annoyed for things that are harmless? Motivation to Change, Lying & Candy Food Addictions & Dishonesty Rule of 3- Where do I go from here? Controlling Siblings Raccoon Circle – Family Unity Mommy Blues –Needing Space Links & Announcements
Questions from Today’s call, Nicholeen talked about: Mutual Respect Begging and Negative Attention Seeking SOCIAL ADDICTIONS-Breaking Computer Rules SOCIAL ADDICTIONS-Cell phones at church TSG for a 2 yr old Anxiety Delaying Consequences
Question 1: Babysitting What do I do with TSG when babysitting other peoples kids? How can I talk to others about TSG? Magic Pill solutions v.s. Work and Effort Tough their hearts- it begins with empathy and not judging them Pre-Teach WATCH FOR A FUTURE TRAINING on How to Teach TSG to Others
Using TSG while babysiting other people’s children Having respect for parent authority. How to handle several different scenarios, such as threatening, whining, controlling others, micromanagement, etc. What todo when your babysitters don’t know the TSG language. Using treats for rewards
On this call we discussed How do I repair a relationship that I was abusive in the past? Repairing past abusive relationships, Repentance & Forgiveness, “Transformation in ourselves inspires transformation in others.” Eye Contact, roll playing, Disagreeing appropriately, child led Family Meetings, Mentor sessions When do I use the Rule of Three and When do I use ‘time out”? -Fairness problems, Entitlement Issues – Pre-teaching
In this call we discuss: What to do if your child sets up a Facebook account behind your back and then tries to harm you What to do if your toddler draws all over the house and the proper consequence Teaching Children to sit still How to handle a spouse who micro manages Finding good books online
On this call, we cover: Movie review websites What to do if your child seems tired all of the time Should children be “babysat” by TV while mom cleans and does other house hold chores? Curing entertainment addictions PLUS, a mini class by Nicholeen
On this call I answered questions about: Sexual Experimentation In Young Children The Way Nicholeen Chooses Movies She Will Watch Helping Others Become Less Selfish Teaching Young Children About Dating, Courtship, Kissing and Marriage Consequences for Siblings Fighting Children Manipulating at Bedtime Staying Consistent of Vacation Child With a Negative Attitude About Learning