Why sign-up for the Support Group?
The Teaching Self-Government Support Membership is designed to offer weekly TSG support for families as they are implementing self-government principles in their homes.
For many people, implementing a family self-government culture shift at home requires support. This is the reason Nicholeen made the TSG Parenting Course. She saw that families are more successful with self-government principles if they have support.
Get any parenting, family, or homeschooling question answered for just $15.95 per month!
A major benefit of being a member of the Support Group, is access to all of our previously recorded calls in the Support Archive! This gives you instant access to many of the questions you may currently have, in an easy to find format.
This membership is specifically designed for those who want continuous, direct support. If you are ready for the full system, we encourage you to get the the TSG Parenting Course. This monthly membership is easy to afford as a real solution to solve your family and relationship issues. The Support Group is only $15.95. That is the same as buying a plate of food at a restaurant and a fraction of what most coaching/mentoring services cost for real solutions that will save you a lifetime of frustration and heartache.
Enjoy the TSG Support Group!
Dear Nicholeen… You put ideas in such a clear, no nonsense way that they will be easier to use with a probable degree of success. Thank you again.
Having implemented these Self Government Skills has given us our daughter back. She is a 16 yr old who has been, very difficult to deal with. We still struggle with her, but are beginning to see some progress, and are starting to be able to communicate with her, thanks to these new skills! She actually approached me calmly tonight, and asked if she could disagree appropriately about a chore she had been given. It was amazing to have a conversation with her that didn’t start and end with her being disrespectful, yelling, or having a tantrum. We were able to come to an agreement very quickly, and she kept eye contact, and was calm the whole time. I felt reconnected to my daughter!
This course has helped us change the trajectory of our family and gave us the confidence we needed to lower our tolerances and, as a United couple, we have discovered the calm power of teaching our children to govern themselves.
We sure appreiciate all you do to bless all of God’s children. You are an answer to so many of our prayers as I’m sure you are to others as well.
I came back from a homeschooling convention where I heardNicholeen speak on “The Power of Calm”, and I immediately implemented what she thought. Forty-eight hours into being home, my daughter said, “Mom, you’ve really changed since you came back. You haven’t yelled at me once. I really like that. You’re doing a great job.” This was coming from my strong-willed child. The reason I went to Nicholeen’s session in the first place. And she was telling me how I had changed. It’s been GREAT.
A hearty thank you to you! You have inspired me in such a profound way. I have accomplished many things that are good. I feel like I have been a powerful creator in the area’s where I believed I could be.But as a mother of five children, three still at home, I had all but given up.I had beliefs about me being a ‘failure’ that were like monsters keeping me locked in a prison.Your example, your calm wisdom, your love…pouring out of all of the material I have read, seen and heard from you, has touched the very core of me, and rekindled a flame that I am choosing to stoke!It has given me the final strength I needed to banish those monsters and choose to really take responsibility for my experience as a mother and for what I offer my children.I will be eternally grateful!
Get any parenting, family, or homeschooling question answered for just $15.95 per month!
For more information about the terms of the Support Group, please see our Terms of Use Information.
Note: The live calls are usually held on Wednesday mornings at 8am MT. Subscribers can submit questions beforehand, and listen to recordings after the call if that works better for your schedule.