Accepting A No Answer From Glenn Beck’s Body Guards

This last January I got a phone call from a friend telling me that she was pretty sure Glenn Beck was reading my book because of some of the things he said on his radio program about a book he was reading. In 2010 I had given Glenn a copy of my book so I knew he had a copy of it. It was possible.

That day I felt like I should pray to meet Glenn Beck. I felt like if he was interested in what I had to say about self-government and if any thing I do could help his listeners and viewers I would be happy to help. I think I mostly wanted to have a conversation with him. When I gave him the book years ago we didn't have time to really talk.

The next day I was asked if I would speak with him at an event in April. This was one fast answer to prayer. I was a little shocked. Then the April event was canceled and rescheduled to October 11th.

So, this past week I drove to Arizona to speak at the Raise The Standard event with Glenn Beck, David Barton, and multiple other really great people.

Of course I am happy to go speak where ever I am needed. I will go no matter who the event is sponsored by as long my heart feels right about it and I have time.

The event was great. Those who planned the event did a terrific, first class job.

I spoke on Friday night for a few minutes, and then on Saturday I did a few classes. Here is a video of the Friday talk.

Accepting A No Answer

One of the essential skills I teach parents to teach children is accepting a no answer. When I teach this skill I always explain that this is a skill for life. Well, here is how I had to use this self-government skill at the Glenn Beck event; as an adult.

After speaking, I asked if I could talk to Glenn for a few minutes. He was in a highly protected, private room. The organizers and the people guarding the room said that no one could speak with Glenn. In fact, they told me that if I even tried to initiate any contact or conversation with him the body guards would tackle me. (I've never been told that before.)

I have to say this was a hard no answer. I had traveled all that way. I had sacrificed money and time to be there. I had prayed for the opportunity to talk with him ten months earlier and had been so blessed. Then, I got a no answer with a possible consequence. Apparently, no speakers were able to speak with him. So, all communication was kept fair. I'm sure that other speakers also hoped to meet him. I also completely understand why he wouldn't be able to talk to all the people who want to talk to him. One man can only spread himself so thin.

My Message To Glenn Beck

If I would have had the opportunity to talk to Glenn Beck this is what I would have said, “Glenn, in 2010 when I gave you a copy of my book you looked at me for a long time as I walked away. In fact, it felt like you looked through me. I felt our hearts meet. It was as if we both hoped we had more time to talk. I knew that you were trying to do good. You were living the mission you were meant to live. I know what that feels like because I am living a mission too.

“You want freedom and principles, and so do I. You are a scholar, and so am I. You are giving your life to help heal the world, and so am I. Thank you for your sacrifice. Your story inspires me. The personal changes you made in your life couldn't have happened without learning self-government. Just like my hero, Benjamin Franklin, after you learned to govern yourself, you were prepared to lead and inspire others to have changes of heart too. The circumstances are different, but my story is the same. Hopefully we can both make the world more free.

“The best chance our world has for freedom, besides having faith in God, is learning self-government. If we can teach our children self-government, and learn it ourselves, we will be free. And that freedom in the home will spread to all areas of the world. We will see powerful people again, like Benjamin Franklin. This is what I am trying to do with my mission and my life.”

That is what I would have said. Nothing silly or sales-pitchy. I just wanted to connect with him one more time and maybe share with him where I think real freedom comes from.

What I Did: Reacting Calmly

When they told me “no.” I tried to disagree appropriately, but it didn't work. I could see the answer needed to be accepted. So, I said, “okay” and went to my seat to watch the rest of the program.

My heart was at peace while it ached. At peace because I chose to accept the consequence. And, it ached because things turned out differently than expected.

I was so happy I knew skills like how to accept a no answer. I fell back on that skill when a hard no answer came. Life is full of no answers. But, as Maria says in one of my favorite musicals, The Sound of Music, “Where God closes a door, somewhere he opens a window.”

Obviously God has plans for Teaching Self-Government that I don't even understand. That's humbling; and exciting.

Thank you all for coming on this journey with me. Thank you for helping me strengthen families. Thank you for helping your friends and families be more free and happy. The world is changing because of all our efforts to strengthen relationships and the family.

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