Becoming A Joyful Adult Part 5

So far, we have learned four of the five characteristics of “Becoming A Joyful Adult.” Now we get to learn about the fifth, being: Character. It is who we are. Character is one of my favorite words described in Webster’s 1828 Dictionary. It says character is: “…the peculiar qualities, impressed by nature or habit on a person, which distinguish him from others; these constitutereal character,and the qualities which he is supposed to possess, constitute hisestimated character,or reputation. Hence, we say, a character is not formed, when the person has not acquired stable and distinctive qualities.”

Character is what recommends us to other people, whether good or bad. People we interact with want to see “what you’re really made of.” Our character is our true self, who we really are. After getting past appearances, the character is what we judge. Itis so very important in our lives. For example, two people are getting interviewed for the same job. One is dressed in street clothes, is disrespectful, and has vulgar and limited vocabulary. The other is dressed in modest business casual, respects their perspective employer, and can speak intelligently. Which person is going to get the job? As Webster says, “…the peculiar qualities, impressed by nature or habit on a person, which distinguish him from others…”

To be joyful, we must have a good character. It is who we reallyare.

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