I Have Some Reporting To Do!


This video is a report of whatteaching self government has been doing lately to help teach the world self-government.And I give you a FREE gift at the end.

As you may already know, the book Parenting AHouse Untied has now been translated into Chinese. I am waiting to hear from publishers and people associated with the Chinese governnment about getting the book out to the Chinese people.

What you may not know is that the book is also translated into Spanish now and will be printed and ready for distribution this Summer. There will also be a family who is going to Latin American countries to teach about strengthening families and self-government as well.

The video above is about my recent travels in England and what I know I need to do now. I hope you enjoy it.

In the video I mention the TSG Weekly Support Group. This is a coupon to get the Support Group FREE for a one month trial. teachtheworld2

If you already bought this support group, or you want to get the group without the coupon code then you will get a free e-book called “How to Stop Tattling.”
